The Early Years Reading Programme

Your Baby Can

Help Your Child Learn to Read

Children learn at an amazing rate.

75% of a child’s brain development takes place before they’re 2 years old. They soak up the world around them, learning more and learning faster than at any stage in their lives.

They learn how to move, to explore the world around them, and they learn how to communicate. They have the capacity to learn how to read too.

And research shows us that children who develop reading skills at an early age do better at school and in their careers.

So helping your kids learn to read before they go to school is one of the best things you can do for them as a parent.

Language Learning is Child’s Play

Because so much brain development takes place in the first few years, it’s important to act early. The earlier a child learns to read, the better they read, and the more likely they will enjoy reading.

Make the most of this window of opportunity by getting your child to recognise words from as young as 6 months. Babies who are taught more words by 18 months tend to have faster brain processing speeds than those who have fewer words.

Your Baby Can Learn is the award winning early years reading programme for children from 6 months to 5 years.

It’s been used by millions of parents around the world to introduce their children to the wonderful world of reading while their brains are at their most retentive.

Your baby really can!

With Your Baby Can your child sees a word, hears a word, and then sees the meaning of the word. This multi-sensory approach means that children learn as they play.

It’s helped parents teach their children to make connections, communicate and learn to read from a very early age.

What do other parents say?

My daughter is 22 months and can already make short sentences, identify and pronounce words that are more than two syllables, thanks to the your baby can learn programme.


It’s been amazing to watch our 3-yr-old toddler soak up vocabulary and learn how to read the words. He went straight to the Baby Can Read DVDs which are very well done. The flip-up books, pull-out cards, and flash cards provide multiple ways of being exposed to the same words, with the words in different…


This pack comes with books, flash cards, slide cards and a DVD. My kids really enjoy engaging with all of these. They have definitely progressed by using these.


We love this set and so does our daughter. The system itself is great and well put together. We’re enjoying working through the different levels with her.


Your Baby Can Learn

Your Baby Can Learn! help children as young as 6 months develop reading and spoken language skills.

Your Child Can Discover

Your Child Can Discover! helps children explore the world of colour, shape and numbers.

How Your Baby Can works

The Your Baby Can programmes are all based on the science of multi-sensory learning.

Your Baby Can Learn has been used successfully by parents around the world. And now it’s available in the UK. To be the first to find out more, and for special launch offers please join our mailing list.

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